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QI-Digital Forum 2024 - Review

The EU adopts the AI Act, the Digital Product Passport takes shape and more and more European data room concepts promise secure digital ecosystems: The year 2024 holds a number of key developments in store for quality infrastructure (QI).

These topics were therefore also the focus of the 3rd QI Digital Forum:

"AI Act, Data Spaces and Digital Product Passport - Setting the course for a green and digital transition"
09 and 10 October 2024

in Berlin (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Unter den Eichen 87, 12205 Berlin)

Exciting keynotes, panel discussions and specialist presentations, an interactive marketplace with exhibitors and exhibits relating to the digitalisation of QI have been presented as well as results and demonstrators on the use cases and digital QI tools that are being developed as part of the QI-Digital initiative. And above all there was ample opportunity to network and discuss the challenges and opportunities of digitalisation with other QI stakeholders.



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Press Review QI-Digital Forum 2024

11 october 2024

Ensure quality smarter - thanks to digital quality infrastructure!

Successful conclusion of the QI-Digital Forum 2024 in Berlin: Around 300 visitors and numerous contributors from five nations and three continents came together on 9 and 10 October 2024 under the motto "AI Act, Data Spaces and Digital Product Passport - Setting the course for a green and digital transition". Presentations, discussion panels, demonstrators, posters and the well-stocked marketplace showed the enormous potential of the smart tools and processes that have already been finalised by the initiative. Numerous other tools are currently under development. Considerable research and development work will be required in the coming years and decades. These digital innovations will contribute to greater transparency and security and noticeably less bureaucracy for business and administration.

The event, which took place at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM) in Berlin, focussed on key future topics on the German and European political agenda: AI Act, Digital Product Passport (DPP) and European data spaces. These topics are of crucial importance for the future of quality infrastructure (QI) and its digitalisation. A recent study by Fraunhofer ISI led by Prof. Dr Knut Blind illustrates the economic relevance: without a strong QI, Germany's gross domestic product would shrink by 7.8% - that would be 320 billion euros in 2023. QI is therefore not only an economic factor, but also a major lever for innovation and competitiveness. At the same time, the digital tools developed in the initiative offer considerable savings potential for the economy and consumers. Digital transformation, standardised processes and innovative solutions can increase efficiency and strengthen trust in the economy.

The event was organised by central institutions of the German QI: BAM, DAkkS, DIN, DKE and PTB, which together form the QI-Digital initiative. In the prominent panel discussion on the first evening, there was a consensus among the assembled scientists, industry and association representatives that the research and development work carried out by the initiative must be continued. The complex digital tools and processes that are being developed here require a secure long-term development perspective.


The programme of the QI-Digital Forum

Over two days, high-calibre speakers such as Silke Obst (EU Commission, DG Grow), Markus Reigl (Siemens AG), Sandra Drechsler (VDMA), Kilian Groß (EU Commission, DG Connect), Reinhold Achatz (President of the IDSA / International Data Spaces Association), Javier Arias (President of the Metrology Association for North and South America SIM), Dr Patrick Gilroy (TÜV), Prof. Dr Thomas Knothe (Fraunhofer IPK), Dr Peter Ulbig (Metrology and Verification Association of Lower Saxony / MEN), Dr Ulrich Harmes-Liedtkeke (TÜV), Johanna Graf (Fraunhofer IPK), Dr Peter Ulbig (Metrology and Verification Association of Lower Saxony / MEN) and Dr Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke (TÜV). Patrick Gilroy (TÜV), Prof. Dr Thomas Knothe (Fraunhofer IPK), Dr Peter Ulbig (Mess- und Eichwesen Niedersachsen / MEN) Dr Ulrich Harmes-Liedtke, Johanna Graf (germanwatch) and Dr Anke Skopec (Berlin Institute for Innovation Research) discussed the urgent issues surrounding the digitalisation of QI.

Markus Reigl (Siemens AG) summarised the discussions by stating: "There is simply no alternative to digital QI!

The event was hosted by Robert Skuppin (Radio Eins), who was as charming as he was quick-witted.

Numerous exhibitors presented their innovative solutions for modern QI on the BAM premises. Internationally recognised pilot projects such as the eAttestation, a combination of the tools of the Digital Calibration Certificate (DCC) or digital proof of conformity with the Digital Accreditation Symbol, or the preliminary work on a data infrastructure for quality-relevant data (Quality-X) show important steps towards a strong digital ecosystem for a modern "Made in Germany".

Another highlight of the forum was the opening of BAM's new showroom for methods and processes relating to additive manufacturing (3D printing), which was very well received.
According to UNIDO's "Quality Infrastructure for Sustainable Development Index" (QI4SD), Germany (still) tops the list when it comes to the sustainability and reliability of national QI. However, analogue competence does not automatically correspond to digital competence, according to the assessment in the discussion rounds. After all, the digital transformation of QI has only just begun. Other nations are now moving in similar directions with the support of their governments. Those who now decisively shape the emerging structures of digital QI internationally will form an essential basis for future global paperless world trade.

Presentations, demonstrators, posters, showroom and marketplace impressively showed that digitalised QI is the basis for efficient quality assurance and trustworthy verification, which will be indispensable in future for Industry 4.0 and for the DPP for the sustainability assessment of products and services along the entire supply chain.

In his closing remarks, Prof Ulrich Panne, President of BAM, thanked the participants and speakers for their dedicated participation. Prof Frank Härtig, Vice President of PTB, invited participants to the next QI Digital Forum at PTB in Berlin in 2025 (8 - 9 October 2025).

Background: Quality infrastructure and QI-Digital

QI-Digital is a joint initiative of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS), the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN), the German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (DKE) and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB).

Together with partners from industry, the conformity assessment sector and science, the five institutions are developing practical solutions for modern, agile and digital QI. The aim is to digitalise established quality assurance structures and processes in order to secure the long-term competitiveness of the German economy. The initiative is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Download the press release here!


The first short clip is available on YouTube:
In the next few days you will also find the recordings of the Forum stage programme on our YouTube channel.

You can always find the latest information about our QI-Digital initiative on our LinkedIn account.

Further information on the QI-Digital initiative can be found on our website A summary of the forum is also available there as a graphic recording.

Please contact us if you have any questions:

QI-Digital Office
c/o Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)
Bundesallee 100
38116 Braunschweig

E-Mail: info(at)


Programme Overview

Day 1

9. October 2024 – 12:00 to 20:30

11:00 am

Admission, registration & welcome snack

12:00 amWelcoming address Prof. Dr Ulrich Panne (President, BAM)
12:15 pmWelcoming address QI-Digital Advisory Board / Heribert Schorn (Co-Chairman Advisory Board / I2PS) - Dr Sandra Drechsler (Advisory Board Member / VDMA)
12.30 pmOpening of the event with the consortium of the QI-Digital initiative
 Prof. Dr Ulrich Panne (President BAM), Prof. Dr Cornelia Denz (President PTB), Sibylle Gabler (Member of the DIN Management Board), Johannes Koch (Head of Department DKE), Prof. Dr Raoul Kirmes MSc (Head of Staff Department DAkkS)
12.50 pm

QI-Digital Roadmap - brief presentation of the conference and marketplace

Dr Claudia Koch (Head of Unit BAM) / Dr Jens Niederhausen (Topic Area Officer PTB)

13:20 pm

QI & Data Spaces - Quality-X: A trustworthy ecosystem for data-based quality assurance

Matthias Prellwitz (BAM) / Dr. Sascha Eichstädt (PTB) / Dr Thomas Engel (Siemens AG) / Dr Reinhold Achatz (IDSA)

14:20 pmCoffee break / Opening of the "Additive Manufacturing" showroom
14:45 pm

QI & Artificial Intelligence - AI Regulation: Starting signal for trustworthy AI in the EU (short presentations and panel)

Felix Assion (Co-Founder neurocat) / Dr Katinka Becker (TEF Health - PTB) / MinR Boris Böhme (BMWK) / Lajla Fetic (Trustworthy AI Expert) / Kilian Gross (Unit AI - European Commission) / Prof. Dr. Stefan Haufe (Machine Learning - PTB - TU Berlin) / Dr. Robert Kilian (CEO CertifAI) / Susanne Kuch (Speaker DAkkS)

16:15 pmCoffee break / Guided tour of the Additive Manufacturing Showroom
16:45 pmQI & Digital Product Passport - for effective and efficient implementation of the Ecodesign and Battery Regulation (Panel)MinR Boris Böhme (BMWK) / Dr. Patrick Gilroy (AI and Education TÜV) / Dr Dorothea Knopf (Head of Department PTB) / Prof. Dr Thomas Knothe (Business Process and Factory Management - Fraunhofer IPK) / Richard Merkel (Speaker VDMA) / Silke Obst (Unit Data Knowledge - European Commission)
17:45 pmDinner (18.30 Guided tour of the Additive Manufacturing showroom)
19:00 pm

Keynote speech

Economic vision - QI-Digital as the basis for innovations for competitiveness

Markus Reigl (Head of Technical Regulation / Siemens AG)

Prof. Dr. Knut Blind (TU Berlin / Fraunhofer ISI)

19:30 pm

Meeting increasing regulatory requirements - with innovations in quality infrastructure

Maik Außendorf (MdB / Bündnis 90 - Die Grünen) / Sarah Bäumchen (ZVEI) / Prof. Dr. Knut Blind (TU Berlin / Fraunhofer ISI) / Sibylle Gabler (DIN) / Prof. Dr. Ulrich Panne (President BAM) / Markus Reigl (Siemens AG)


20:30 pmEnd of programme + until approx. 22:00 Get-together

Day 2

10. October 2024 – 08:00 to 15:40

The second day was entirely focussed on practice. There were insights into the implementation of digital QI: tools, use cases and framework conditions were presented, demonstrated and discussed.

07:30 amAdmission and breakfast snacks for early birds
08:00 am      

International Breakfast - A look at the world

Javier Arias (Präsident - Sistema Interamericano de Metrología SIM) / Ashok Ganesh (CEN-Cenelec / EQIN) / Jennifer Danielson (College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia) / Prof. Dr. Cornelia Denz (President PTB) / Dr. Claudia Koch (Subject Matter BAM)

09:00 am

Showcase - How the digital transformation of QI succeeds

Dr. Gisa Foyer (Arbeitsgruppenleiterin PTB) / Dr. Philipp Heß (Mission KI) / Dr. Sebastian Käbisch (Siemens Technology) / Dr. Michael Melzer (Kalibrierlabor BAM) / Dr.-Ing. Christian Bock (Senior Architect ECLASS) / Dr. Thomas Krah (DCC Rollout / PTB) / Johannes Van de Kreeke (Chemiker, BAM) / Peter Rauh (Leiter SMART Standards, DIN) / Matthias Prellwitz (Referat eScience, BAM)

10:00 am

Showcase - Reliable hydrogen technology pilot project

Dr. Georg Mair (Pilot project H2 BAM) / Dr. Robert Bock (Pilot project H2 BAM) 

10:30 amCoffee break
11:00 am

Showcase - Pilot Project Additive Manufacturing

Dr. Kai Hilgenberg (Additive Manufacturing BAM) / Dr. René Laquai (Coordinate Metrology PTB)

11:30 am

Showcase - Pilot project AI in medicine

Dr Hans Rabus (Senior Scientist PTB) / Prof. Dr Stefan Haufe (Machine Learning PTB) / Dr Maik Liebl (AI Test Platform PTB) / Dr Sascha Eichstädt (Head of Unit PTB) / Dr Andreas Kofler (Researcher, PTB)


Digital QI: Requirements from laboratory practice

Heiko Wiese (No Drama) / Dr. Claudia Koch (Subject Matter BAM) / Dr. Caroline Stobe (Head of Laboratory) / Anton Blöth (Managing Director VUP)

12:45 pmLunch / Guided tour of the Additive Manufacturing showroom

13:45 pm

Enabling digital QI - challenges in the legal framework and possible solutions

Dr Peter Ulbig (Director of Metrology and Calibration Lower Saxony) / Dr Claudia Koch (Subject Matter Expert BAM) / Anton Blöth (Managing Director VUP) / Markus Reigl (Technical Regulation Siemens AG) / Miriam Schuh (Lawyer ReuschLaw) 2:30 pm

14:30 pm

QI Transformation - started, not completed!

Javier Arias (President - Sistema Interamericano de Metrología SIM) / Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Frank Härtig (Vice President PTB) / Dr Media Khorasani (Data Room Expert - Equal Opportunities Officer BAM) / Johanna Graf (Digitalisation Officer germanwatch) / Ann-Sara Ramkissoon (Development Economist / Università di Firenze) / Dr Anke Skopec (Berlin Institute for Innovation Research / Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft) / Dr Ulrich Harmes Liedtke (International Development Expert / mesopartner)

15:25 pm

Closing remarks

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Panne (President BAM) / Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Frank Härtig (Vice President PTB)

15:40 pmEnd of the event / guided tour of the Additive Manufacturing Showroom

Parts of the programme were offered in English / German - Permanent simultaneous translation German-English)